Sunday, February 24, 2008

It's a wonderful night for Oscar

Today's post, exploring the thrill of seeing the light at the end of the sweater knitting tunnel combined with the agony of not being that close to finishing, is at Toxophily. Tune in to Noel's Oscar-blogging tonight (his picks are already up), while I try to decide if I'm going to stay up until the wee hours to get the Breaking Bad TV Club entry up without missing any of the Hollywood excitement. (Probably not, but I do feel bad about pushing it back to Monday for the second time in three weeks, so there's a minuscule chance that guilt might overwhelm common sense and the desire for sleep.)

1 comment:

Doc Thelma said...

Missed most of the show, like I missed most of the movies, but there's a movie-themed meme on my blog. Check it out.