Thursday, December 30, 2010

Summing it up

It's been slightly more stressful than I prefer for the week between Christmas and New Year's, traditionally an oasis of downtime.  Our furnace conked out on the 26th, and finally got fixed this morning; in between we stayed warm with borrowed space heaters, but were worn down by uncertainty about when the needed part would come and whether it would work.

Still, even with that hassle, we had a much more enjoyable post-Christmas week than many people across the nation, who were snowed in or stuck in airports for days.  We were warm, we had our gifts to enjoy, and we could get out for treats.  I knit a balaclava to keep Noel's head toasty when he goes to Sundance in a few weeks.  And today, with the heat back on in quantities sufficient to keep a tropical fish healthy, we finally completed Cady Gray's most heartfelt Christmas wish (and the holiday video below).

So here in one tidy package are our wonderful holidays, from what we were thankful for to what we'll be writing thank-you notes for.

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