Saturday, March 20, 2010

Productive laziness

I was hoping for a lazy weekend. And today was as lazy as I could wish. I slept until after 9 am, then got up and crossed off the first item on Cady Gray's "crafts to do" list (knitting). After a little Wii Play, we went to a model train show in town where Archer and Cady Gray both got to drive Thomas trains around tracks to their hearts' content. Pizza lunch was followed by basketball, more knitting, and conversation. When the kids emerged from their rest periods, Cady Gray and I went on to item 2 on the crafts list (beading), Noel got started on the all-locally-grown dinner, and I read. Now the kids are in pajamas and I'm looking forward to another evening of basketball and knitting.

But for a day of doing nothing, I sure feel like I got a lot done. Last night I bound off and wove in ends on my Totally Autumn blanket ... almost 35,000 stitches of coziness. Today I indulged in scarf knitting with my Signature needles -- the project I pick up when I want to treat myself -- and after one more lace repeat, I'll be binding that off. I got within striking distance of the end of this month's Wrapped Up In Books selection, ready to participate in the discussion about it starting on Monday. About the only task of the weekend I haven't started on is writing a review of Breaking Bad's Sunday season 3 premiere, and I'm confident that tomorrow morning before Noel and Scott get up will be plenty of time to rough out a draft.

I enjoy getting stuff done when I'm not under pressure. There's a particular satisfaction in completing long, complicated, or copious tasks when deadlines loom or time is short. I'm happy to be experiencing the other side of accomplishment, though -- the kind that is pure lagniappe. It's about time.

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