Saturday, November 13, 2010

If your heart is in your dream

Today's post about humble yarn for special hats is at Toxophily.

Here's the postscript that didn't belong in that little essay about making something beautiful out of the cheap and ubiquitous.

Many aspects of my students' service learning project for Conway Cradle Care are worthy of remark and reflection.  But the one I keep coming back to is the participation of crafters around the country.  People who have heard about the effort have stepped up and committed themselves to joining us, becoming honorary members of our class and augmenting our local handwork with theirs at a distance.


Yesterday I received the first of these extracurricular donations. A member of my silver-medal-winning Dish Rag Tag team sent this beautiful bright cap. Its broad and firm seed-stitch brim, smooth and even stockinette body, spiraling crown decreases, and soft angora haze create something truly gift-worthy -- hat perfection.


The generous knitter, whom I'll simply call G. since I haven't asked her permission to identify her, enclosed with the hat a prayer for the recipient, making that as-yet unknown teen mother doubly fortunate in the warmth of the gift and the intentions of the giver:

Dear God,

I pray for blessings on the young parent who will receive this hat. I ask you to guide them in the decisions the need to make and to show yourself in the people around them.

In Jesus' name,

And all the people said: Amen.

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