Saturday, December 29, 2007


Today's post, celebrating successful knitgiving, is at Toxophily. Meanwhile, this brief update:

We went to dinner at a friend's house this evening, and when we returned, our luggage had been set neatly by our front door. Nice service, but we were kind of expecting a call when the deliveryman was ready to come by. It was a little odd to have luggage dumped on the driveway with no notice; what if we'd been gone for the whole night, instead of just a couple of hours?

Anyway, I'm happy to have my new luggage back 22 hours after our return. Aside from a bottle of saline solution that got squeezed empty, overwhelming the ziploc bag in which it was stored, everything was none the worse for wear.

We had Christmas Part II this morning, with all the presents from us and from Noel's side of the family, and I was showered with happiness (Achewood books! Cat Bordhi! Bob and Ray! Days Of Heaven!). If I didn't have to get back to work as soon as possible, I'd be in for days of happy listening, reading, knitting, and watching. Ah well -- at least I have enough clothes again to go for half a week without running the washer.

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