Archer lost his first tooth!
It's been wiggly for more than a week, and I was sure it would come out before Noel got back from Sundance. But, as he described it tonight after an anxious few moments in which we thought he'd swallowed it, "My tooth just came out after I took a big bite of my sandwich!"
You can't always count on such cogent communication from the little alien who lives among us. As an example, I offer another in a series of Postcards From Archer's Brain. This is what I found on his Scrabble board last Sunday after naptime:
"Order what you want ... Pepsi God ice." What do you think it means?
I'm interested in the Fan Men. Are they what FANBOYS become when they grow up?
Don't know about "Pepsi God Ice," but I'm wondering if he's doing advance research for Noel's Popless week by listing "Sia." Is he digging "Breathe"?
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